By: Mike Rhodes—
ArtsWalk 2016 kicked off at 4pm Thursday with a dedication ceremony for Delaware County’s Indiana Bison-tennial Public Art Project. Jenni Marsh presented details about the history, funding and partners of the project. Mayor Dennis Tyler presented a proclamation during the dedication.
Artist Denise King designed the bison by incorporating images and patterns of the native Lenape—including beadwork and other design elements.
The bison was in the Muncie Fieldhouse on October 27th during a convocation with 1000 4th graders. 300 students submitted names for the bison and the winning name was announced at the dedication. Tristan Parks, from Royerton Elementary named the bison “Neolin” which is the Lenape’s word for The Prophet. (The enlightened one.)

Jenni Marsh presents Tristan Parks from Royerton Elementary with a prize for his winning entry—permanently naming the bison “Neolin.” Photo by: Mike Rhodes
Chelce Carter, a Graduate School Recruiting Ambassador from Ball State attended the dedication ceremony as part of an anthropology immersive learning course at Ball State covering the Riverside/Normal City neighborhood and how it has changed over time. ” Chelce said, “We are here to look at how the community is participating, at the park structure itself and to collect stories about this neighborhood and what’s happening here.”
The bison will be permanently located at Tuhey Park.

Mayor Dennis Tyler is pictured with Denise King, the artist who designed the bison, now named “Neolin.” Photo by: Mike Rhodes
At 5pm, ArtsWalk continued with a variety of activities in downtown Muncie. Click on any of the thumbnail images below to view more photos of the bison dedication and ArtsWalk 2016.
Photos by: Charles Jamieson and Mike Rhodes
- ArtsWalk File Photo
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk 2016
- ArtsWalk File Photo
- Mayor Dennis Tyler is pictured with Denise King, the artist who designed the Bison, now named “Neolin.”
- ArtsWalk 2016
- Tristan Parks from Royerton Elementary earned a prize for permanently naming the bison “Neolin.” Photo by: Mike Rhodes
- Group photos are taken in front of artist Denise King’s bison design for the Bison-tennial project. The bison is now permanently located at Tuhey Park. Photo by: Mike Rhodes
- The ArtsWalk Map