16 Non-Profits Receive Over $200k From Community Foundation

The food pantry at Southside Middle School. Photo provided.The food pantry at Southside Middle School. Photo provided.

Muncie, Ind. – The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. awarded $226,456 to 16 nonprofit organizations during the second Quarterly Competitive Grant cycle of 2017.

The Community Foundation’s purpose is to improve the quality of life in Muncie and Delaware County for this generation and generations to come. Quarterly Competitive Grants are awarded to fund projects for which there is a demonstrable community benefit in one of the following areas of interest: arts and culture, human services, economic development, education and community betterment.

The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc. is a publicly supported philanthropic institution governed by a volunteer board of local citizens. The Foundation manages contributions donated by individuals, businesses and corporations as a permanent community endowment.  Distributions from these funds are given back to the community in the form of grants to nonprofit organizations and agencies. To date, more than $44 million has been awarded to enrich the lives of the residents of Muncie and Delaware County.

Unless otherwise noted, the following grants were awarded from the Unrestricted Fund of The Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, Inc.

Back To School Teachers Store, Inc. received $14,281 (partial funding from the Stefan and Joan Anderson Fund, Jane Harrell Buckles Fund, Linda and Connie Gregory Fund, Jane E. Hughes Fund, Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, and Michael O. and Nicole T. Lunsford Fund) to purchase and install new lighting throughout the store.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters received $10,000 (from the Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund) for the 2018 mentoring program.

Boys and Girls Club of Muncie received $17,000 (funding from the Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund, Louisa and Waldo Beebe Unrestricted Endowment Fund, KAKATU Foundation/David and Joanna Meeks Fund, Morris Youth Fund, MututalBank Charitable Foundation Fund, and Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund) to defray the cost of teen programming and activities.

Buley Community Center received $40,000 to defray the cost of the AIM Summer Program, a collaboration between the Buley Community Center, Boys & Girls Club, Motivate Our Minds, Ross Community Center, and YMCA that provides education and recreation opportunities for students K-8th grade in the summer.

 CASA Inc. of Delaware County received $19,480 to increase services for abused and neglected children waiting for a Court Appointed Special Advocate by developing a Program Representative initiative.

 Christian Ministries of Delaware County received $9,000 (funding from the Ball Corporation Community Betterment Fund and Jim and Mary Rosema Fund) to replace a section of the roof over the shelter.

 Cornerstone Center for the Arts received $20,000 to defray the cost of the education department providing opportunities for creative expression, educational programming, and events in a historic setting.

 East Central Indiana Regional Partnership received $15,000 (from the John and Janice Fisher Quality of Place Fund) to promote Muncie and Delaware County for new business investment and talent attraction.

 Inside Out Community Development Corporation received $8,075 (from the Faye Wingate Fund) to upgrade the kitchen with a double stack oven allowing for expanded capacity.

 Lifestream Services, Inc. received $5,000 (from the Gordon and Pam Cox Fund, and Jeanne and John Smith Fund) to defray the cost to expand the Senior Rides transportation program for low-income seniors in Delaware County.

 Masterworks Chorale received $4,500 (from The Endowment for the Arts Fund, Bassett Family Fund, and Linda and Connie Gregory Fund) for the 2017-2018 concert season, marking the 40th anniversary.

 Muncie Action Plan received $15,000 (from the Edmund F. and Virginia B. Ball Fund) to defray the cost of administrative expenses.

 Muncie Symphony Orchestra received $6,000 (from the Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund, Charles and Claudia Sursa Named Unrestricted Endowment Fund, and Mary Jane Sursa Fund) to provide support for the free community events Festival on the Green and the ArtsWalk concert.

 Project Leadership Delaware County received $15,000 (partial funding from the John and Janice Fisher Unrestricted Fund and MutualBank Charitable Foundation Fund) for the College and Career Readiness Initiative designed to better prepare Delaware County students to persist in college and career.

 Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana received $20,000 (partial funding from the Jeff and Beth Lang Fund, Mary Kate Pingry Fund, Hamer and Phyllis Shafer Fund, Jeanne and John Smith Unrestricted Fund, Joseph and Janet Wilson Unrestricted Fund, and Faye Wingate Fund) to support the school pantry programs at Southside Middle School and Muncie elementary schools.

 United Day Care Center received $8,120 to provide quality early childhood education and kindergarten readiness for at-risk children at United Day Care Center, Huffer Children’s Center and BSU Child Study Center, a collaboration that captures matching funds through the Early Education Matching Grant (EEMG) from the State of Indiana.

For information on how to apply for third quarter 2017 Competitive Grants, visit our website at cfmdin.org or contact Marcy Minton, Senior Program Officer, at mminton@cfmdin.org.  The next deadline for nonprofit organizations to apply for a Quarterly Competitive Grant is July 7, 2017.


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