By Angel Crone—
Muncie, IN– The “Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Center” opened Monday to provide resources to parents and children, with hopes their services will help strengthen families in Muncie and Delaware County.
The Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Center, located at 905 S Walnut St, Muncie, IN 47302, will offer a wide variety of services to parents and families, including community resource navigation, a food & supplies pantry, peer recovery support, parent cafes and education, legal resources and family fun events. In collaboration with multiple partners, such as Future Choices, Inc., Ross Community Center, Eastern Indiana Works, A Better Life Briana’s Hope, Chances and Services for Youth, Muncie Community Schools, Purdue Extension and Community Partners, among others, the Family Resource Center is the first of its kind in Delaware County. This is also a new location for Future Choices, Inc., who shared in the ribbon cutting ceremony.
“The center is based on an innovative model of co-locating family supports increasingly being used across the country,” said Bryan Victor, Project Evaluator and associate professor at the Indiana University School of Social Work.
“All parents need support at some time, especially during the current pandemic,” said Susana Mariscal, Director of the Strengthening Indiana Families Project, and an associate professor at the Indiana University School of Social Work. “We hope that the center becomes a space for parents to connect with other parents and their community, to find the resources and supports they need, to have fun and create positive memories that children can look back on, and to develop and build upon their strengths.”

Beth Quarles, Executive Director Future Choices, Inc. shows off the new lobby at the Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Center. Photo by Matt Howell
“All of the community resources used to be downtown, but things are spread out now. It could take parents all day riding the bus just to get to one place. People don’t have time to run all over the city to get what they need. That’s what is great about the Family Resource Center. It’s one stop where people can get connected with the resources they need,” said William Britton Jr., Liaison and Community Navigator with Children’s Bureau and the Family Resource Center
All families in Delaware county are eligible to receive services at the Family Resource Center regardless of their level of income. “At the Delaware County Family Resource Center, we have formed a team of local organizations to best serve our local families. We are breaking barriers, providing opportunities for growth, facilitating connectedness, and ensuring every family is able to access the programs best fit to their goals,” says Tashia Weaver, Family Resource Center Coordinator and Outreach Coordinator with Children’s Bureau.
The Strengthening Indiana Families Family Resource Center is part of the Strengthening Indiana Families (SIF) Project, which is funded by a five-year Community Collaborations grant ($2.74 million) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau to implement four family resource centers in Indiana.
The center opens three days a week. Specifically, local families can visit the center on Tuesdays 3-7pm, Wednesday 1-4pm and Fridays 11-2pm.
Resources available at the Family Resource Center include:
- Community Navigators– Connection to resources & programming to meet your goals
- Susy’s Store– non-perishable meal kits, hygiene products, baby supplies, and more
- Eastern Indiana Works-WorkOne Kiosk & Career Counselors– Career development assistance
- Computers & Wifi Connection– Free for use
- Kids Corner– Space for kids to play while parents are at the center
- Recovery Hub-Peer Recovery Coaches
- A Better Life Briana’s Hope -Substance Abuse Support Group Meetings Every Saturday Morning
- Creative Kids– Craft time for kids every week
- Parent Cafes and Support– Peer groups for parents to discuss the ups and downs of parenting and learn together
- Whole Person Health Workshops Adult and Children – Healthy Lifestyle Center & Anthem Medicaid Support
- Carol’s Corner-Healthy Plate & Being Active
- BSU Interprofesional Community Clinics Telehealth HUB
- Financial Literacy Adults, Teens, and Kids Career
- Evidenced-Based Curriculums
- And More
To learn more, visit the website
Facebook at Family Resource Center Delaware County, Indiana