By Robert G. La France—
MUNCIE, IN – The Muncie Noon Rotary Club celebrated the transition of officers for the 2023-2024 Rotary year on Tuesday, June 27th, 2023. Matt Howell, retiring 2022-2023 President of the Muncie Rotary Club, introduced incoming 2023-2024 President Robert LaFrance, who praised the club members for their continued commitment in upholding the mission and values of Rotary.
2023-2024 Muncie Rotary Club Officers
President Robert LaFrance
President-Elect Dan Wolfert
Immediate Past President Matt Howell
Secretary Joann McKinney
Treasurer Linda S. Gregory

Left to Right: Joann McKinney (Secretary), Dan Wolfert (President-Elect), and Robert LaFrance (President).
During his presentation, Robert LaFrance reviewed his international career of scholarship and service that brought him to Muncie Noon Rotary in 2015. He also gave the members an opportunity to discuss their roles, reasons for becoming Rotarians, and ideas for Muncie Noon Rotary for the next year.
Some upcoming local Rotary service projects include: serving at the front gate of the Delaware County Fair in July, which raises funds for Muncie Central High School athletic teams; cleanup at Rotary Park along the Cardinal Greenway in the fair weather months, which engages members from both the Muncie Noon Rotary Club and the Sunrise Rotary Club; and offering grant opportunities in August through the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County.
The Muncie Rotary Club, affiliated with the global service organization Rotary International, was founded in 1917 by a group of local business executives, professionals, and community leaders. Muncie Rotary is a catalyst for community leadership, professional development, friendships, service, and international understanding. The Club meets on Tuesdays at Noon at Minnetrista for lunch, networking, and a feature program.
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