
Delaware County Officials Conclude Economic Development Trip to Germany

Delaware County, IN—Delaware County officials concluded a seven day trip to Germany and the Netherlands on Thursday, April 18th.  County Commissioner James King along with Brad Bookout, Director of Municipal and Economic Affairs, and Bill Walters, Director of the ECI Regional Planning District facilitated meetings with several companies and trade organizations who have an interest in establishing and or promoting Indiana as a location for development or expansion. The busy schedule consisted of meetings with the Transatlantic Business and Investment…

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Mayor Dennis Tyler Presents Final “State Of The City” Address as Mayor of Muncie

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, IN—Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler presented his 2019 State of the City Address at a breakfast held at the Horizon Convention Center on Tuesday, April 16, 2019. The 2019 address was Mayor Tyler’s final one, after he decided not to run for re-election in 2019. “My family and I want to thank you so much for everything you have given us and allowing me the opportunity to serve you,” Tyler said. “It means a lot to me….

Wheeling Avenue Widening Project Continues Among Others

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, IN—A plan to widen Wheeling Avenue saw some additional progress recently. The city’s plans to widen Wheeling Ave requires Indiana & Michigan power to replace and move power lines and poles between McGalliard and Bethel. Depending on the location, individual poles will need to be moved 1 to 15 feet. For reasons of safety and to help prevent outages, a clearance zone must be maintained between wires and trees. Trees are the No. 1 cause of…

Muncie Native Casey Horn Propels Submarine Legacy Into The Future

By: M. Dawn Scott, Navy Office of Community Outreach— Kings Bay, Ga. – As citizens of Muncie go about their daily lives, members of the U.S. Navy’s “Silent Service” work beneath the ocean’s waves, continuing a tradition that only a small fraction of military members will ever know: strategic deterrence. Petty Officer 2nd Class Casey Horn, who hails from Muncie, Indiana, and is a 2009 home-schooled graduate, takes on the task to execute one of the Defense Department’s most important…

Meet Melissa Blair, Director of Muncie Animal Care and Services

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, IN— Melissa Blair was born and raised in Muncie and has been a lover of animals her entire life. Blair is the new director of the City of Muncie’s Muncie Animal Care & Services, located at 901 W. Riggin Rd. in Muncie.  While relatively new as director (she began her new duties at the end of 2018) Blair is no newcomer to animal rescue services. (The video above includes just a few of the many adoptable…

Meet Nate Jones, Candidate For Mayor Of Muncie

By: Nate Jones— My name is Nate Jones and I am running for Mayor of Muncie. I was born and raised right here in Muncie and I love my hometown. I am raising my children here in this city and want a future for them to be proud of. In 2004, I graduated from Muncie Central High School. I joined the Indiana Army National Guard in 2007. In 2009, I was deployed to Afghanistan where I helped eradicate terrorists from…

Improvements To Yorktown’s Canal Street, Downtown To Begin Soon

By: Pete Olson— Yorktown, IN — Renovations to downtown Yorktown’s Canal Street are set to begin within the next few months, the Yorktown Redevelopment Commission announced. These renovations include widening the streetscape and installing sidewalks that are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. These improvements will allow for a more walkable and accessible downtown area for all Yorktown residents, said Matt Anderson, the president of the Yorktown Redevelopment Commission. “The goal for the downtown revitalization project is to reinvigorate…

Muncie Police Officers On Christmas Patrol

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, IN— As mentioned in the Muncie Journal article below, the Muncie Police Department is randomly handing out treats and toys while officers are out on patrol. On Thursday, Muncie Journal followed Brian Campbell & Damon Stovall (Santa) on patrol. They brought Christmas joy to some Muncie kids today. Watch the video below.   Related article below. Muncie Public Safety Officials Bring Holiday Cheer To Local Children

Muncie Public Safety Officials Bring Holiday Cheer To Local Children

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, Indiana—During the holiday season, many of the City of Muncie’s public safety officials kick-into high gear in order to bring a little holiday cheer to underprivileged children around the area. Toys For Tots In early November, the familiar Toys for Tots collection boxes began to spring up inside businesses around town. For 2018, around 65 boxes have been distributed throughout the community. Families who wanted to participate in the Toys for Tots program were first screened by staff at…

LISTEN: Mayor Dennis Tyler Reviews Successes of 2018

By: Mike Rhodes— Muncie, IN—Muncie Mayor Dennis Tyler was interviewed by Steve Lindell on WLBC this morning. The mayor reviewed some of the successes of 2018 and accomplishments he has been most proud of. The mayor discussed new road paving, the success of the downtown, economic development activity, new partnerships between Muncie Community Schools and Ball State University, the strong employment picture in Muncie and current job training activities, what’s new at the Madjax facility, the downtown animated Christmas tree…