By Jenni Marsh, Board President, Muncie Action Plan—
Muncie, IN—To say 2020 was an unprecedented year, is a blinding flash of the obvious— a global pandemic with social and political upheaval. Yet, when I think of 2020 as being unprecedented, I think about how it elevated our community’s indomitable spirit! A pandemic could not stop the people of Muncie from finding ways to help their neighbors and to make our community better. Our city’s non-profits worked together, shared resources, and supported each other, as they supported those in need. Our community’s funders collaboratively granted to organizations and schools in response to the pandemic, and our neighborhoods determinedly pushed forward with beautification projects. To top it all off, Muncie was named one of ten All-America Cities by the National Civic League, recognizing our city’s work in inclusive, civic engagement to address health and wellbeing, and create stronger connections among residents, businesses, non-profits, and government leaders.

Jenni Marsh is Board President, Muncie Action Plan. Photo by: Lorri Markum
As the president of Muncie Action Plan (MAP), I am grateful to have seen so many tremendous community accomplishments. A new bike-pedestrian bridge at the Kitselman Trailhead connected two greenway trails across the river. As more people went outside to socialize, they hiked our trails—which over the past decade, so many have worked so hard to put in place. That new bridge is at one of our community’s gateways, and at another, we saw blight elimination with the demolition of the abandoned Red Carpet Inn. At the grassroots level, our neighborhoods showed great pride as people found innovative ways to stay connected despite masks and social distancing. They ramped up food pantries, planted trees, held outdoor movie nights, and more.
That sense of connectivity is so important—as you all have told us in every iteration of MAP. You identified that connecting youth with community members who can mentor them will help enforce positive behavior and healthy lives. We are thrilled to announce that we are adding Kyra Zylstra to our team as the Web of Support Coordinator for that mentoring initiative.
And speaking of new initiatives, Muncie Action Plan has begun collaborating with Next Muncie. Our grassroots approach and neighborhood connections, combined with Next Muncie’s positional leverage, will enable another large-scale community investment process. We look forward to engaging with you to hear your ideas about how to make Muncie the best community it can be!
All this positive momentum comes from the hard work and support of so many great local people and organizations. Big thanks go to MAP’s primary funders—Ball Brothers Foundation, the Community Foundation of Muncie and Delaware County, and George and Frances Ball Foundation. Big thanks also go to MAP’s board of directors, Administrative Coordinator Krista Flynn, and Community Organizer Megan Orbin for their incredible work this year.
As 2020 came to an end, so too did the terms of Muncie Action Plan board members Donna Browne and Cornelius Dollison. They have been terrific leaders and champions, and we are so grateful for their service. MAP also celebrates the great work of Jane Ellery—president of Sustainable Muncie Corporation and assistant professor of Wellness Management at Ball State University. She prepared the All-America City application on behalf of MAP, and put countless hours into coordinating volunteers and leaders from the 8Twelve Coalition, Schools Within the Context of Community, and Web of Support in a live virtual performance before the judges. Jane is a true servant leader.
Muncie Action Plan will continue to shine a light on the positive momentum in our community. Thanks to a grant from First Merchants Bank, with in-kind support from Aspect 6 Creative, MAP has a new website to help share those stories! While the full challenges and tribulations of 2021 remain to be seen, with dedicated volunteers and community leaders, Muncie will rise to meet them.